Thursday, November 4, 2010

Should be Day 4 of packing

Okay, so it really should be Day 4 of packing but truth be told we have not done anything since Day 1 or should I say Night 1 of packing. I just look at everything and find something much more fun to do like: homework, Facebook, blogging, scrapbooking, quilting, and then from doing this I just plain don't feel well so it does not get done even at night.

Jerold is so busy with work and school I hardly get to see him and the cats really miss him. I guess this is what I get to look forward to when we move. Hopefully he will only be working one job instead of running all over the place and he will have a better schedule. One can hope :) His schedule on Tuesdays is get up go to school, go straight to work and then go right back to school. He gets to come home about 9:30 at night and eat dinner. On Mondays it is his lucky day because he gets out of work early and only has to do dry cleaning at night so that is our day for all my doctor appointments. Too much fun for him. But we know all this will pay off in the end.

November 2nd was a big day and I did not get to blog that day. I want to wish my Grandma Nisky a Happy Birthday! She was so lucky to have her birthday clouded by the elections. NOT!

Then we had the elections! It was great to be able to go out and vote and see the turn out to be so high this year, especially with it being a non-presidential election year. I must say I was pretty happy with the results and hope that with some of the power changes that our government can work together. We need a balance of power, not more from one side or the other but a harmony between the two. I think this election has moved us this way, now we will have to see and hopefully be involved if my health will let me.

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